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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->Becoming BreatharianAkahi8 Day Consciousness Transformation ProgramFirst Edition, February 2016--Copyright © 2016 Ricardo SalasAll Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any form or in any means – by electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission.This is dedicated to all the participants of The Process that every year continue to insireme to keep sharing the light, to my wife and children for their embracing love and sup-port, to my mom for always trusting on me, this is dedicated to all of you, who wish to ex-perience the ever astonishing power of love*.Akahi*..1Section 1AkahiAkahi Ricardo Salas is a dedicated healing arts expert who has had the privilege to travelaround the world and train himself under the able guidance of different spiritual mastersand Shamans from across the globe. For 13 years he has made his contributions not onlyin spiritual sciences but other forms of arts as well. He is the key figure of programs dedi-cated to Breathwork Science, Breatharianism, the Pranic Living Transition and natural intro-spective healing programs. He also has in-depth knowledge of various neuro-cellular inter-connections. These programs have been aired as documentaries both on radio and televi-sion. Such is the impact of his learnings, that doctors across the world have adopted histeaching methods into their own healing practices. Spiritual healers have deeply appreci-ated and adopted his healing style for improved and visible results. He works on the frame-work of Live on Light to bring people closer to improved consciousness, healing and self-love. His aim is to make people aware of their greater self and become aware of the un-tapped frequencies that bring to life healing, new found energy and spiritual resources. Heconstantly drives his students towards the power of nature and how it is the only thing thatdrives us in life. He develops new ways to understand the functioning and conditioning ofour minds, body and soul and work toward improved healing and balance on the three con-stituents of our existence.Akahi has been a preacher of arts from the very beginning in life. From very early on in life,he was smitten by the necessity and importance of arts in the growth of an individual andhis understanding of life in general. Art is what drew him closer to himself, and it is wherehe was able to begin his journey of finding out his true self. It opened his understanding ofhimself and paved the way for him to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Art was the veryessence of him. Art was his expression of existence and constant learning. It was a wayfor him that led to understanding of ultimate consciousness.Owing to his inclination towards various art forms and his exceptional talent in painting,sketching and drawing and way before taking up the role as a full time Pranic Breatharianpractitioner, Akahi was a renowned artist who traveled across South America, exhibitingand selling his art. He presented his work in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and Boliviawhere he was much appreciated for his exceptional work. Presenting his paintings was notmerely a source of income. It was way more than that. It was his way to spread histhoughts, beliefs and ideas. It was his way to get people of similar thought processes to-2gether and find a new meaning in togetherness. Within this, he also found an opportunityto make his art form known and understood by people around the globe.Everything in Akahi’s life revolved around art and its exploration until one time while travel-ing across South America he came across an ancient culture that was subtle, groundedand preached simplicity. He was instantly attracted to the rituals, beliefs and devotion ofthe culture and their practice of remaining grounded to the earth, appreciating the life theyhave been given and how to be immensely thankful for their existence. Suddenly to Akahi,everything made perfect sense. He knew he had found his calling. He was sure of whatpath to follow. He also gathered that the culture was closely associated with the cosmosand believed in the simple pleasures of life. There, simplicity reigned supreme and this iswhat got Akahi’s instant attention. It was the moment of trance, the moment of self-actualization, a moment of joy and all peace gathered together. It was a soul stirring experi-ence. Akahi went onto live in small towns and cities of South America where he was drivento live a life of simplicity. He lived with Shamans and Amautas who greatly inspired histhought process. He understood the joy of giving and the kind of satisfaction it brought toa person. He was a changed man. He understood what being selfless meant. He began toappreciate the joy of giving. Life was no more about being self-centric and over-achieving.It all changed to being there for people, sharing knowledge and peace while leading themto simpler satisfying lives. This is exactly where he transformed himself into a giver. Hewas no more a taker. He knew he had realized his true purpose of giving and helping oth-ers for their betterment.He had constant interactions with children and worked towards amplifying their creativethought processes while working on the flow of their creative energies. He noticed thatslowly and gradually children were better able to express themselves through the use ofart and that his efforts were actually taking wings. The children were being lead towardscreative consciousness and this reinstated Akahi’s belief in working towards the better-ment of others. He was assured of working towards improving people’s lives and givingthem a more meaningful and fulfilling existence. This experience also was a kind of self-exploration for him. He was constantly getting closer to knowing himself, developing hisconsciousness and making judicious use of his spiritual understanding. Sharing of his artbecame his biggest strength. This is where he developed the joy that rooted from giving.His spirits were on an all-time high and there was nothing that could hamper his mission towork for people’s betterment. He derived joy from making people aware of their abilitiesand capabilities. He had found his mission. This was the time where his creative and spiri-tual energies had undergone a perfect blend. His life was heading towards a completetransformation.3Chapter 1: IntroductionRicardo Akahi’s mission is to drive people towards consciousness and self-healing usingthe power of breathing. He emphasizes on the power of breathing to accentuate physicalhealing, self-love, happiness and consciousness. His aim is to educate and inspire human-ity towards the common goal of peaceful and meaningful existence. According to him, con-sciousness is the primary goal we all should strive to achieve. For that, our senses mustbe in sync and our, minds, body and souls should communicate with each other consis-tently. The most effective and appreciated way to do is to realize the power of breathing, abasic function we all do not generally take into account. Standing by his motto of Heal,Nourish and Live on Light, Akahi is revolutionizing the concept of consciousness acrossthe world, transforming perceptions and changing people’s lives for the better and thebest. His ‘Bretharian Awakening’ has been adopted by thousands around the world toseek improved self-loving, appreciation and coming to terms with difficulties of everydaylife. They have all been able to find their real selves, have developed positivity and have in-culcated the element of thankfulness in their everyday lives.This guide will take you across the groundbreaking 8 Day BreatharianProcess that workson various techniques and breathing practices to generate consciousness of mind, bodyand soul. The program has already made its mark in Netherlands, China, Poland, UK, Bo-livia, France, Croatia, Peru, Israel and the United States and aims to educate thousands ofothers in different parts of the world.Mission statement of the programOne is not aware of the infinite possibilities of transformation and enlightenment that comewith a human body. When you enter a state of breathlessness, you are completely in a dif-ferent realm of the universe and this is where the learning and self-finding begins. Spiritual-ity has been preached time and again by the greatest leaders of the world whether in thefield of science, art or philosophy. It is the spiritual prowess that has brought them so far inlife. Buddha preached spirituality like no other and so did Jesus along with Gandhi who ex-isted in our recent times. Spirituality develops your understanding of the human existenceand makes it more meaningful and profound. Spirituality is omnipresent. It is present in theair around us. Yes! The air around us captures our senses and can transform the way wereciprocate and respond to our thoughts surroundings to be the best version of ourselves.4
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej