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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] "ALIENS"byJames CameronFIRST DRAFTMay 28, 1985-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ALIENSFADE INSOMETIME IN THE FUTURE - SPACE 1Silent and endless. The stars shine like the love ofGod...cold and remote. Against them drifts a tiny chipof technology.CLOSER SHOT It is the NARCISSUS, lifeboat of theill-fated star-freighter Nostromo. Without interioror running lights it seems devoid of life. The PINGof a RANGING RADAR grows louder, closer. A shadowengulfs the Narcissus. Searchlights flash on, playingover the tiny ship, as a MASSIVE DARK HULL descendstoward it.INT. NARCISSUS 2Dark and dormant as a crypt. The searchlights streamin the dusty windows. Outside, massive metal forms canBE SEEN descending around the shuttle. Like the tollingof a bell, a BASSO PROFUNDO CLANG reverberates throughthe hull.CLOSE ON THE AIRLOCK DOOR Light glares as a cuttingtorch bursts through the metal. Sparks shower into theroom.A second torch cuts through. They move with machineprecision, cutting a rectangular path, converging. Thetorches meet. Cut off. The door falls inward REVEALINGa bizarre multi-armed figure. A ROBOT WELDER.FIGURES ENTER, backlit and ominous. THREE MEN inbio-isolation suits, carrying lights and equipment. Theyapproach a sarcophaguslike HYPERSLEEP CAPSULE, f.g.LEADER(filtered)Internal pressure positive. Assumenominal hull integrity. Hypersleepcapsules, style circa late twenties...His gloved hand wipes at on opaque layer of dust on thecanopy.ANGLE INSIDE CAPSULE as light stabs in where the dust iswiped away, illuminating a WOMAN, her face in peacefulrepose.WARRANT OFFICER RIPLEY, sole survivor of the Nostromo.Nestled next to her is JONES, the ship's wayward cat.LEADER(voice over; filtered)Lights are green. She's alive.Well, there goes out salvage, guys.DISSOLVE TO:INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - TIGHT ON RIPLEY - GATEWAY STATION 3She's lying in a bed, looking wan, as a female MED-TECHraises the backrest. She is surrounded by arcane whiteMEDICAL EQUIPMENT. The Med-Tech exudes practicedcheeriness.MED-TECHWhy don't I open the viewport?Watch your eyes.Harsh light floods in as a motorized shield slides intothe ceiling, REVEALING a breathtaking vista. Beyond thesprawling complex of modular habitats, collectivelycalled GATEWAY STATION, is the curve of EARTH as seenfrom high orbit. Blue and serene.MED-TECHAnd how are we today?RIPLEY(weakly)Terrible.MED-TECHJust terrible? That's betterthan yesterday at least.RIPLEYHow long have I been onGateway station?MED-TECHJust a couple of days. Do youfeel up to a visitor?Ripley shrugs, not caring. The door opens and a MANenters, although Ripley sees only what he is carrying.A familiar large, orange TOMCAT.RIPLEYJones!She grabs the cat like a life preserver.RIPLEY(cooing baby-cat talk)Come here Jonesy you ugly oldmoose...you ugly thing.Jones patiently endures Ripley's embarrassing display,seeming none the worse for wear. The visitor sitsbeside the bed and Ripley finally notices him. He isthirtyish and handsome, in a suit that looks executiveor legal, the tie loosened with studied casualness. Asmile referred to as "winning."MANNice room. I'm Burke. Carter Burke.I work for the company, but otherthan that I'm an okay guy. Glad tosee you're feeling better. I'm toldthe weakness and disorientationshould pass soon. Side effects ofthe unusually long hypersleep, orsomething like that.RIPLEYHow long was I out there? Theywon't tell me anything.BURKE(soothing)Well, maybe you shouldn't worryabout that just yet.Ripley grabs his arm, surprising him.RIPLEYHow long?Burke gazes at her, thoughtful.BURKEAll right. My instinct saysyou're strong enough to handlethis...Fifty-seven years.Ripley is stunned. She seems to deflate, her expressionpassing through amazement and shock to realization ofall she has lost. Friends. Family. Her world.RIPLEYFifty-seven...oh, Christ...BURKEYou'd drifted right through thecore systems. It's blind luck thatdeep-salvage team caught you whenthey...are you all right?Ripley coughs suddenly as if choking and her expressionbecomes one of dawning horror. Burke hands her a glassof water from the nightstand. She slaps it away. Itshatters with a SMASH. Jones dives, yowling. Ripleygrabs her chest, struggling as if she is strangling.The Med-Tech hits a console button.MED-TECH(shouting)Code Blue! 415. Code Blue!4-1-5!Burke and the Med-Tech are holding Ripley's shoulders asshe goes into convulsions. A DOCTOR and TWO TECHS runin. Ripley's back arches in agony.RIPLEYNo...noooo!They try to restrain her as she thrashes, knocking overequipment. Her EKG races like mad. Jones, under acabinet, hisses wide-eyed.DOCTORHold her...Get me an airway, stat!And fifteen cc's of...Jesus!AN EXPLOSION OF BLOOD beneath the sheet covering herchest! Ripley stares at the SHAPE RISING UNDER THESHEET. Tearing itself out of her.HER P.O.V. as the sheet rises. A GLIMPSE OF theCHITTERING HORROR...IT SCREECHES.TIGHT ON RIPLEY screaming, snapping up INTO FRAME.Alone in the darkened hospital room. She gasps forbreath, clutching pathetically at her chest. There isno demented horror rigging itself out of her. Her eyessnap about wildly, slowly focusing on the reality ofher safety. Shuddering, bathed in sweat, she kneads herbreastbone with the heel of her hand and sobs.A VIDEO MONITOR beside the bed snaps on. A MED-TECH'sface.MED-TECHBad dreams again? Do you wantsomething to help you sleep?RIPLEY(faint)No.. I've slept enough.The Med-Tech shrugs and switches off. Touching a buttonon the nightstand she opens the viewport, REVEALINGGateway and the turquoise Earth. She hugs Jones to herand rocks with him like a child, still shattered by thenightmare. Shivering. Sleep is far off.RIPLEYWe made it, Jones. We made it.But at what price?CUT TO:EXT. PARK 4Sunlight streams in shafts through a stand of poplars,beyond which a verdant meadow is VISIBLE.EXTREME F.G. Jones stalks toward a bird hopping amongfallen leaves. He leaps. And smack into A WALL.RIPLEY(voice over)...
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej