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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->LMANNg'a:c/~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728e«"~e;,f'ttC~!-?iz;;U9M'R.e.4d'~9'~LMANNg'zd'~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •1(201) 431-2429FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728"~e "t~tfJ!co2~~~~byAl Mann Exclusives"Order and simplificationAre the first steps towards theMastery of a subject -Thomas MannThe Magic MountainThe Test of Thoth is the Supreme table billet switch as usedby Charles Foster and other top billet workers. It is detailedin print here for the first time!It is a Masterpiece of the Billet Worker's Art. A thing ofbeauty and Yet so easy to do.This test is so perfect and undetectable that expert-observers-exposers were never able to catch Foster or Reese doing the switch,All they knew was that a switch had been made but did not knowwhen, where or how!This test has been confused with the inferior test called theSupreme Office Billet Switch.In The Test of Thoth, the spectator's billet never leaves thetable (or so it seems). The operator appears to just move it alongthe surface of the table for about 2 orJinches, in the pretextof aligning the billets or pellets (ala Reese) or placing them onthe -center of the table, out of reach (ala Foster).The test can be done with billets (folded slips of paper) orpellets (balled slips). It is most deceptive when done withbillet~.:Take a piece of white card 2 byJiinchesand foldit into quarters and place it on the table tent-fashion.Next, reach over with your right hand (or left if you are lefthanded) and pinch the billet, but do not lift it off the table.The back of your fingers are towards the audience and yourthumb towards you. Then just move the billet along the surface ofthe table and release it.That is exactly what you will pretendto do during the switch.And that is exactly what your audiencewill See you dolAnd that is exactly what the action will looklike.You only move the billet 2 orJinches towards you.The visible back of your fingers never move!During the actualswitch only your thumb will move!IieSt·fIIlu(,a..:ciOfA,2•THE TEST OF THmHAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVETHB SIZB OF THE BILLETS must be according to the size o£ your handsso you may want to make the card or paper a bit larger or smaller.Make a dummybillet by £olding a second card exactly as the oneon the table and placp it cross-wise at your£inger-tips as shown in Fig.7.The billetis held in place by pressure applied on theends by the first and little fingers. If thispressure is removed, the billet should fallfree.While the billet is in the finger-tip grip, the fingers are held solidly togetherand ne.ver move, except that the operator canclose his hand in a relaxed fist before the switch is applied.(in four easy steps)1. The real billet with the message is restingon the table tent-fashion, while you have a dummybillet in finger-tip-grip position, Fig.7.Yourhand may be slightly cupped to avoid flashing thebillet.2. With your fingertips pointing downward,reach over and pinch the real billet between yourthumbtip and your fingertips, aligning the----~~--~-------two billets so that they look like one billet,Fig. 8, but do not show them or call attentionto this fact. Release the grip on the dummy.3.Move the real billet and dummy billettogether as one towards you about 2 or3inchesand at the same time pull the real billet up intopalm position with your thumb tip, Fig.9.4. Pull your hand up off the table, leavingthe dummy behind in tent-fashion and secretlystealing the real billet. The hand is againcupped into a relaxed fist.The switch is executed in a relaxed andnatural manner and is never done as a fast move.The slower the switch is made, the more convincingit looks.Eig.9Cupping the hand before and after the switchis a natural move that all billet worker do.The professionals never take any chances. When they have abillet or anything else palmed, they cup their hands like a fistas though that is the way they always hold their hands.For easy handling use card stock until the moves are mast-ered. Smooth card is preferred •"ke ",iA14l£-t ij't:;~t.":?lte-,;ar:Sevitclt,:•J•THE TEST OF THOTHAN AL MANN EX.CLUSlVEAfter you havemaste~edthe moves with card stock. try it withpaper slips. and laterp~llets.The Test of Thoth is a killer. The perfect switch. A sitteror sitters across the table from you can watch you intently andsee absolutely nothing other than that you moved their billet.To appreciate this devastating move. watch yourself in a mi-rror. Only a few minutes' practice should make you a master. butyou must practice it always and do it under fire continuosly tobecome a master of the billets.Let's observea master billet worker. Charles H. Foster, doing his thing.Foster is holding sway in the lounge of the local main hotel.There is a massive dining table. fireplace. easy chairs etc. Hisvisitors request a demonstration of his powers.He instructsthe visitors to please take small pieces of paper and write downthoughts. names. numbers. words or questions.Several personsbegin to do just that.Foster has a dummy billet in finger-tip grip position and hishand is slightly cupped. After one of the sitters writes two orthree messages he reaches over and says. "place all the papers inthe center of the table. He makes the switch with his right handand also takes up a billet with his left hand and moves it to thecenter of the table. "Mix them all up. And don't let me see whatyou are writing."Foster then goes to the fire place to relight his cigar andreads the stolen message paper. He then palms the paper in his lefthand in readiness for the folding-switch (this switch should beknown to the reader. You can find a version of it in PracticalMental Effects) .After the writing is all done. Foster approaches the table andreads a thOUght in the mind of one of the sitters. (the info heread in the first billet!) Everyone is amazed. He then does thepsychometric bid. saying, "I am going to pick up the piece of pa-per in which that one question is written." He further mixes upthe pile of billets and then picks one, throws it away and picksanother. "I think this one is it." He then opens up the billet.reads it. Smiles. Does the folding-down switch and says. "See foryourselves!"Everyone is stunned!From then on Foster con-tinues doing the one-ahead and baffling everyone. Some feel likescreaming after witnessing the awesome power of this man.NOTE. In the above routine, the dummy billet, which is blankis secretly marked by bending back a tiny corner.In doing 'the 'psychometric bid,' the operator can pick upfolded billets and place them to his temple, and do the temple-switch (detailed in Acidus). The psychometric bid is very strong.The sitters will say, "I did not know myself which was the paperthat contained the message. How could he know?" By this demons-tration, the operator is displaying not only telepathic powersbut clairvoyant powers as well!?~e"e.c:i:Ct:Jtf'?H.t!Jt4i".~Ct:idU-THE TEST OF THOTHPRACTICEPRACTICE4AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEPRACTICEIThe key to success is to practice the correct way. So let's goover the moves again.The four fingers of your switching hand form a shield that willcover all the secret moves, so you must learn to keep the four fin-gers tightly together as if they were cemented.When you reach over to pinch the real billet, pinch ith~rd.This will help in releasing the grip on the dummy. If needed Justmove the middle finger inwards to help release the dummy.Then move the hand towards you slowly at a regular clip insteadof fast. Pull the real billet up into palm position and then justpush the dummy along with the finger~ipsand do not lift yourh~ndup until you are sure that the dummy 1S free and loose and that 1twill stay on the table.When lifting your hand up, you must do it carefully so thatthe dummy remains behind in tent-fashion. This is what clinchesthe move and makes it look like nothing tricky has been done otherthan to move the billet a bit.PUSHING THE BILLET AWAY. After you have mastered the move ofswitching billets while pretending to pull them towards you, youwill find that you can also do the same thing by pushing them to-wards the spectator.This is the master stroke when you need togive back the real billet to anyone and asking them to verify, etc.a single question (or more).Sitter is given a prefolded card and told to write out hisquestion and to place the folded billet on the table tent-fashion.This can be demonstrated with another billet.Reader then takes the billet and places it in front of himselfand makes passes over it, etc.The switch has been made and thereal billet is read on his lap. He jots down a few notes on hiswriting pad and then pushes the billet back to the sitter saying,~Pleasetake this card and place it in your pocket. You may keep1t as I have no further use for it." For the climax he reveals thesecret thoughtlThis is a mind-shattering demonstration since the sitter cansee his folded billet on the table at all times and sees nothingtricky. Later the sitter will swear that he had the darn billet inhis pocket at all times or he will forget the billet entirely sinceapparently it had nothing to do with the psychic's powers.When referring to the card on the table, the psychic commentsthat it is totally opaque and impossible for the human eye to pene-tratethe card since it is folded four ways.The size of the card used here can be 2 by.) inches ..Practice the moves until you can do them w1thout mov1ng thevisible fingers.?he$i~(,e ~44din~:Theanswer and'solution fordoing the'lest of Thoth is the perfectprivate reading and divining
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej