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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->tMANN~d~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLO. NEW JERSEY(201)431-2.4290772BALMANN(8ZC/~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •(201 ) 431-2429FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728THE TESSERACTCopyright byAl Mann ExclusivesTESSERACT. A hypercube having eightcubic faces with a ratio-nal extention into a fourthdimension.SFFOREWORDSomewhere along the pathways of his life,man will stand on the threshold of an enchantedlandscape wherein he will see into the infinite!He will transcend space. and time and thelimits of his body. The vision will last but fora fleeting moment but the memory will lingerandman will be forever conscious of the higher planesof awareness that lie beyond things seen.Man will yearn to again savor that God-likepower with its interminable ecstasy.Practically every human has had an encounterwi-ththe unknown. A prophetic dream or an unexplain-ed repeated coincidence. Man has heard the dyingspeak to the dead. Man has seen evidence of pre-ordained fates. A few have seen 'test' phenomena!Man has inherited from his dim past a senseof wonder that sets his mind afire with the urgencyto search for a power beyond his limits.The mentalist, in his masterful role.presents a personification of that Pursuit. Thereinlies his appeal.f/nr/kf1THE TESSERACTCHAPTER IWHERE EAGLES PERCHAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEIn 1853, a Viennese magician performing in his owntheatre, forced the same playing card on three persons in theaudience and then made the audience believe that the threepersons had freely chosen three different cards and that byreading their thoughts he was able to divine their cards.That magician was Johann Nepomuk HofzinserlPerhaps Hofzinser learned this principle from amothersource or perhaps he originated it himself. Albeit, thisunique principle stands today as the forbidden fruit of wis-dom of the mentalist's art. Subject to countless variationswith as yet undiscovered possibilities, the principle affordsa wide avenue for miracles.In October 6th, 1950, an effect called "Bluff andChallenge" by Mr. F. V. Schoneck appeared in the Phoenix#213. Magician Schoneck forced the same Ace on four personsand made the audience believe that each person had looked ata different ace. The four aces were later produced from themagician's pockett The deck had contained only one ace whilethe other three aces were already in the magician's pocketbefore the effect started. This amazing variation of theHofzinser principle stands further study.In Nov. of 1968, a young magician walked into SydBrokman's magic shop in Seattle and hurriedly ordered a 3-way forcing deck saying he was preparing a show for theweekend. He then turned and asked which was the best way offorcing the three cards? He was told by this author, "Don'tforce three cards. Force the same card three timesl""But," he said, "I am doing the three cards on thesword and I must force three cards."He finally understood the principle atter furtherenlightenment. He was told to simply force the same card,the last card on the sword, on three different persons, thencatch the three cards on the sword and callout their namesand ask if all the chosen cards have been caught. All threespectator must have to conceed that their card is on theswordIThat same night the young magician tried out themethod on three of his friends that came calling. He forcedthe same card on each and though they were sitting togetherthey were completely baffled. The impact of the effect si-lenced them.Orville Meyer brought this amazing principle to theattention of present day mentalists when he published it inEd Mellon's "Mentalwise" Vol. 2, #8 under the name of"Impact" in Marchot19.56.2THE TESSERACTCHAPTER IAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEWHERE EAGLES PERCH •......••. cont.Most magicians today are well acquainted with theprinciple. Many non-magicians are also familiar with itsince they read it in David Hoy's book "Super Psychic."For the sake of completeness, the basic principlefollows. Using a telomatic or psychomatic deck of cards,(these decks are composed of2~different cards cut shortwith 26 one-of-a-kind long cards cemented to the back). themagician shows the cards to be all different and then shuttlesthe deck and wraps it with a rubber band and tosses the deckinto the audience. He asks the person who catches it to pleasepeek at only one card and then to toss the deck to someoneelse who does the same and finally the deck is tossed to athird person who also peeks at another card. The deck is thentossed to the magician who pockets the deck without evenglancing at it and then proceeds to either tell the chosencards by reading the minds of the three spectators or pre-dicting the cards that were to be peeked.All three persons peeked at the same card butotcourse do not know it. The magician simply names three cardsone of which is the force card. Or the magician can predictthe choice in a newspaper. The effect is amazing to say theleast. It is indeed an 'impact' in the minds of the audience.Even if one or all of the spectators was to noticethat a forcing deck is being used (by an accidental or deli-berate riffle of the deck instead of a peek, for example),they are still baffled wondering how the other two personswere induced to thinkotthe other two cards.The deck used can be a J-way telomatic or psycho-matic deck in which case the three spectators may choose orpeek at different cards or they may all have peeked at thesame card by coincidence. If a J-way telomatic deck isriffled by the spectators they will see different cardslOrville Meyer in a letter dated 12/23/74 wrote tosay, "For the 'imapct' effect, I now use a J-way forcingdeck with odd cards at top and bottom. Rubber-band it, tossit to a spec who peeks, he tosses it to a second who takesa peek, and he to a third who takes a peek, then you retrievethe pack. I forgot to say that while talking you can overhandshuftle the deck faces to specs and they never notice theJ-way.""I then slOWly name two of the force cards plus onecard not even in the pack. All three may acknowledge havingheard their cards -- if so you quit there. But if one doesn'tyou know it is the third card you did not name, and you canclimax by naming his specific card. Should two of them notacknowledge (practically never happens) just pullout thethird force card plus one more (the odd face or top card),JTHE TESSERACTCHAPTER Icont.AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEWHERE EAGLES PERCH ..•••.....and finish it. A little imperfection in a mental act oftendresses it up."Gentlemen. let us now open the gate wide and takea journey on the 'avenue of miracles' which will lead usto -- THE VIEW FROM -----------THE TESSERACT"Enter the tesseract. if you dare. and you willsee that time does not exist. The future is there aspermament as the past. like pictures in an art gallery."SFEFFECT. The mentalist stands on stage or platformholding three business cards upon which he has written threepredictions. He informs the audience of his three predictionsand states that he is now going to pass out the three pre-dictions for the audience to read before anything else isdonel Performer does exactly that and passes out his threepredictions into the audience where anyone can read them.He then calls three other persons on stage who have not yethad a chance to read the predictions and asks them to callout the name of any city in the world. a 4-digit number anda word from a book.Performer next collects the three business cardsfrom the audience and reads out loud his predictions for thebenefit of those who have not had a chance to read them. Allthree predictions prove to be correctlThis is an effect from another world. no less andshould prove to be a brain-buster. yet the method is a simplebut clever variation of the •impact' effectl an originationof the author.METHOD. The spectators may choose any city and any4-digit number. BUT the word from the book is a force word.Let us say that you are using the word •particularly' fromone of Himber's force books.All three predictions read alike. "The word chosenwill be ·particularly.· ..After his lecture the performer passes one of theprediction cards into the left side of the audience, pre-ferably to a person sitting about the fourth seat from theleft at about the fourth or fifth row. This person isinstructed."Sir, (or madam) I am giving you one ofmypre-dictions to hold. Youmayread it ifJIOUwish and you may
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej