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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->ALMANNi8.xc/~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLO, NEW JERSEY(201) 431-242907728~---~L MANN~d~POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY(201 ) 431-242907728"ne~lta:tre~edFOREWORD(i,(,,,,t,'eeAn AL MANN EXCLUSIVEEvery show dealing with mindreading or mind powershould contain an effect of the Mind-over-Matter kind!This treatise offers the most sensational effectsalong this line and which should be in the repertoireof every mentalist.Once the secrets are known, the possibilities fora dramatic and sensational presentation and programingare limitless.In the Shattering Chalice, for example, after thechampagne glass breaks, or the window pane, many otherglass items on the stage, like light bulbs and pictureframes can be tricked to break in a chain-reation con-cluding effect that brings the curtain down!A Super Falling Block can be gimmicked that dou-bles as a penetrating or vanishing block and also as amagnetic block--small magnets are embedded on the bot-tom of the block so that it sticks to the table. Thenthe table can be tilted to any angle and the blocks do-not fall, but when the magnet under the table is loweredthe blocks fallon command!In conclusion for the falling block, the table alsocrumbles and two tall pillars standing on both sides ofthe stage also fall to pieces and roll on the stagefloor and the curtain falls!fin r/t/ftpr/n/ft~;-"1(201)POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728431 -2429THE SHATTERED CHALICECHAPTER IFLASH! ------ "Prof. Henry S. Payne is attractinga great deal of attention. The St. Paul and Min-neapolis newspapers are devoting much space to thisgentleman's work! -- Probably his most remarkabletrick is as follows. -- Prof. Payne requests anyperson in the audience to hold up a newspaper orprogramme, and at command it immediately ignitesand burns up! performer all the while remaining onstage. ---Mr. Payne has performed this trick underconditions which preclude the possibility of confe-deracy!"William J. Hilliar, editorThe Sphinx. June, 1902Let us assume that Prof. Payne did have one or more confe-derates in the audience who held up a newspaper OR were sit-ting next to a person that did. Whatever the 'modus operandi'the important thing is that he created a sensation, receivedreams of newspaper coverage and word-of-mouth advertisementwhich no doubt brought in the dollars.A present-day dedicated mentalist can duplicate Mr. Payne'seffect and better it. Following are at least EIGHT differentmethods for doing the effect. The reader must decide Which oneis best suited for him and then practice the technique to per-fection. ATTENTION TO DETAIL IS MOST IMPORTANT!I. Igniting a wad of cotton or newspaper held in thehands by a spectator (a confederate) in the audience or in thehands of the magician on stage!The magicians of 80 years ago had a quick, easy and suremethod for this. They simply popped a pea-size piece of yellowphosphorus into their mouths. The saliva kept the phosphorusfrom igniting. At the right moment, the magician 'blew' intothe paper or cotton, secretly spitting out the piece of phos-phorus which ignited within5seconds.The confederate in the audience can do likewise. Or if theconfederate in the audience is sitting next to a person thathas a newspaper, the magician points to the confederate andMh~HODI2THE SHATTERED CHALICEPYRO-SORCERY ------con~.•••••••AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEtells him to blow on the other person's paper. The confederatesmiles, as if to say, MAre you serious?: The magician insistsand the confederate blows into the paper, secretly adding thepiece of phosphorus.Due to the danger of a fire, an assistant in the audiencestands by with a bucket of water in which to douse the burningpapers.When using a spectator in the aUdience, he is instructedto take only two sheets of the newspaper and form it into a cone,then to take another sheet or half-sheet and ball it up andplace it into the cone. That way when the fire starts, it willstart at the top of the cone instead of the bottom where it mayburn the spectator's hand.Phosphorus is a poison, so if the performer is reluctant toplace it into hIs mouth, the assistant in the audience with thewater bucket can have the tiny piece wadded in wet tissue pa-per and in assisting the spectator in holding the paper highin the air, he drops in the piece.It is questionable whether the small piece of phosphoruskept in the mouth for a short time will have any ill-effectsbut then it is up to the individual.PHOSPHORUS is a solid non-metalic element existing in atleast two forms. One is yellow, poisonous, flamable and lumi-nous in the dark. Another is red, less poisonous and less fla-mabIe. (For our purpose, the yellow, sometimes called whitephosphorus is preferred. The red phosphorus will not work.)Phosphorus must be kept In water In a stoppered bottle. Itignites readily when exposed to air.The above effect is a sensational one that produces greatresponse from the audience, no matter how you do it, with assis-tants are alone on stage.METHOD IIa The same effect as above but here is the safestand sure-fire method and by far the easiest. Here you simplyadd, secretly, a wad of flash paper into the ball of newspaperand set the flash paper on fire, secretly of course. The flashpaper besides doing the trick also adds a flash of light tothe effect and what's more the paper lights on command of themagician or the spectator!IN EFFECT, Magician asks a spectator inthe audience to choosea number, say 1 to 10. Say number 6 was chosen. Magician wriresa large six on a pad of paper, then wads up a sheet of newspa-per and holds it up in the air. He then tells the audience tocount to six. At the count of six, the paper flares up and burns!Sounds great, but how do we ignite the flash paper secretly?There most be half-a-dozen ways of doing it. A good way is toget a finger gimmick from the magic store that shoots a flameTHE SHATTERED CHALICEFYRO-SORCERY.....cont •••••.•AN AL MANN EKCLUSVIEfrom the fingertips.Som~ar8cheap others are expensive. Theexpensive ones are the best usually. What you want is a silentone that ignites a finger of flash paper and shoots it out:These work with pen batteries and the reader can make one sim-ply by breaking the glass on a pen flashlight in a vise withoutbreaking the filament. The devise will create enough heat toignite the flashpaper.The magic store gimmick is the best. The newspaper is ignitedsimply by holding the paper up and shooting the devise into themiddle of the ball of paper and the flash paper there.Another simple method to ignite the flash paper inside theball of newspaper is to carry a burning punk with you insidea metal billet pencil. What you want is a piece of good punkthat will not go out. The piece of punk is lit and then placedinside the metal billet pencil. When needed the punk is pushedout about 1/4 inch so that it touches the flash paper.The billet pencil has the added feature that it can be usedto write down the number called by the audience. Then the ma-gician picks up the newspaper with the same hand that holds thebillet pencill The paper will then ignite on commandIA good piece of punk can be had in the Chinese stores thatsell fireworks. In a pinch, a piece of burning incense can beused. The incense can be on the table burning. At the propertime it is simply finger-palmed and used when needed.A piece of burning incense can also be glued to the plungerof the billet pencillThe flash paper used must be fresh and it should be testedbefore the show.MHTHOD1111The Challenge. A spectator in the audiencechallenges the magician to repeat the trick with his newspaperlMagician calls the spectator forward and tells him to pick outanyone page from his paper. Magician takes the paper and wadsit into a ball and places it on a plate on the stage table.After a few moments of concentration the ball of paperbursts into flamelIn the PRESENTATION the magician must act exactly as what hepretends. That is that the paper is ignited by thought alone!So he must not do anything that looks like the opposite. Hemust simply ball up the paper and drop it on the plate and standback. (some performers push and rub the paper on the platevigorously, which looks out of context).The secret is the use of potassium permanganate and glycerine.The potassium comes in tiny pellets. Take 4 or5of these pelletsand crush them into powder with the back of a spoon and placethe powder into a small piece of flash paper and make a tinywad with some scotch tape as shown in Fig. 1. Place it inyour pocket or somewhere where it is readilly at hand.~Fig. 1C!J
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej