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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->•AL MANNg'zd'~•. It(201)431-2429•fI08TOFFICE .oX 1.... • FREEHOLD, NEWJERSEY 07721••••••••••••~••II-nt)man(,{fltitlilt- "r/le/,()4.(A,ee..tL7et~D&its:ue.~tJ'L ~&.1ntlA.t4.liA:t .. . .~lI2vtt'!I.'"-.-6Ut4u-"a/IIC~I~•AL MANNiif.-u/~••arituin'"•••••••••••(201)POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD. NEW JERSEY077~1431-2429.-"(At)t1t~nCopyright by Al Mann Exclusives (1983)The following plot and method is adaptable toplaying cards, business cards, ESP cards, Credit cardsor photographs. The plot is strong and the patter canrefer to teleportation, invisible flight, etc.THE BASIC EFFECT. Three spectators are asked to choose anycard each from a face up deck spread on the table. They are toldto sign the cards. Each individual card is now sealed openly intoa coin envelope and given to the chooser to hold.Without any further ado or any suspicious moves by the Mentalistan envelope that was sealed in a safe or held by anyone in theaudience is opened and the three signed cards are found insidelThe three envelopes held by the spectators can be opened andwill be found empty.A more dramatic effect can be created by burning the threeenvelopes in a ceremonial fire bowllTHE METHOD. With the proper preparation the working of thiseffect can be automatic. Actually aseach card is indivi-dually sealed, it goes into a fourth envelope so that all threecards end up in the same envelope. Amazingly enough the sealingis done openly and in fact the spectators can insert the cardsinto the envelopes!All this is made possible by a stack of gimmicked envelopes.In August of 1978, I released a modernized version of theflapless-envelope-switch which appeared in The Tesseract. Icalled these envelopes, 'The Circean Vessels.'Here then is an advanced concept using the Circean Vesselswhich will henceforce be called 'The CV envelope.'•••••THE PREPARATION. You will need a minimum of 10 end-openingcoin envelopes of regular size to hold playing cards.First, take seven of the envelopes and bend their topflaps backwards and forwards several times so thatthe flaps will remain in either position. This isshown by the arrows in Fig. 1.Three of the envelopes should also have theirbottom flap dislodged for only 1/8 inch along thetop and bent outwards to form a 'lip.' This is shownin Fig. 1 by the bottom arrow and dash lines. Thistiny lip will serve its purpose as will be seen.Fig. 1II-NO MAN WITHIN-CONT. ..2IIIIAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINext you must prepare three CV envelopes. So take three ofthe envelopes and cut off the tops as shown by the solid linesin Fig. 2 arrow "A."Discard the bottom ofthe envelope, keepingonly the feke pieceAAmarked "X." Remove whatis left of the seam sideof the envelope from theFig.J"X" feke which will leaveyou only with the flapattached to a small piece ofwhat used to be the addressside of the original envelope.The final "X" feke isshown in Fig.J.ConsiderFig.2that the"X"feke now hasa false flap at "Y".Next cement the"X"part to the flap of awhole envelope, leaving the false flap"Y"on theoutside and covering the opening of the envelope.What you have now is the "CV" envelope! Thisis shown in Fig.4which also shows the small 'lip'on the bottom flap (dash lines).After you have prepared three "CV" envelopesFig.4you will be ready to mount the envelopes in a stack thatwill do the 'trick.'All three "Y" flaps of the CV envelopes must be insertedinto a single envelope!In Fig.5,envelope "A" is an ungimmicke§envelope that has its flap bent back-\Dwards. Envelope "A" is the key envelope\....--------~that will end up with all the chosenY~cards within!To prepare the stack, take envelope"B"and insert the false flap"Y"into"A"yenvelope. Next, do the same with envelope"C" and last with envelope "D." Note thatall the envelopes have their flaps bentbackwards except for envelope"D"whichkeeps its flap sticking up and in sight sothat it appears to be the flap ofenvelope "A!"!Add the other three unprepared enve-lopes to the bottom of the stack as youhold the stack in your left hand with "envelope"A"uppermost.For all that may care to look, theFig.5Astack of envelopes appears normal, butdo not call attention to that.•••••IIIIIJ-NO MANWITHIN-cont.AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEA further refinement is to cement a piece of paper or card(envelope material) to the inside of each envelope so that whenthe envelope is sealed it will appear to contain a card. Or youmay place your own business card in each envelope. Or if the en-velopes are to be burned, any card will do.To performl Have the stack of envelopes in your left hand.After the first card is chosen and signed insert it into whatappears to be the top envelope, (or have the. spectator insertit). The card actually goes into the top envelope as it isguided by the false flap of envelope "D."Then pUll up on the flap, which brings out envelope "D" andat the same time the flap for envelope "C" will pop up due tothe "liplt of the bottom flap of ltD" envelope which hooked on toit! If you wish to have the spectator seal the envelope, youmust tuck in the false flap! But it will suffice to just moistenthe flap, seal it and handed to the person saying, "Please sealit. "The same maneuver is repeated with the next signed card andenvelope "G" is removed, etc. Lastly the same maneuver is re-peated and envelope "B" is removed, leaving envelope itA" behindwhich contains all three cards. You will be also holding theother three unprepared envelopes under envelope "A."Bear in mind that up to now you have made no suspicious movesand the spectators assume that they are holding their signedcards sealed in the envelopeslFor the climax, you can proceed in one of several optionsIGo to a safe, open it and remove a sealed envelope. Show the en-velope on both sides, to be sealed, and then place it over thestack of envelopes and stealing the top envelope in· the process.The top envelope remains behind the sealed envelope and out ofsight. Throw the other envelopes on the table and proceed.Fig.6shows the loaded coin envelope "A"hiding behind a sealed letter envelope. The toplong edge of the envelope is torn off and thecoin envelope is allowed to drop creatingthe perfect illusion.Another method is to make envelope itAa magnetic envelope by enclosing a piece ofshim metal and then placing a magnet intothe letter envelope ( or sheet magnet ) sothat the letter envelope automaticallyand secretly picks up the "A" envelope!ItFig.6••If you own the AME DiploMental Pouch you canuse that instead. That way the coin envelope appears insidethe Zippered pocket!As can be seen, the above plot is good and the patter canbe anything from teleportation, dematerialization, invisibleflight or just pure magic! All depends on your presentation.••••••••••••4-NO MAN WITHIN-NOTESaEnvelope A can be a flapless envelope as the flap is notneeded. When you produce the envelope later, you can say thatit is sealed and then reap open one end. The top end. Or theflap can be folded back and sealed against the address side sothat it appears to be sealedl This flap is then reaped off.If when removing, say, the D envelope, the flap of C does notpop up as it should, do not panic. Just stick your finger betweenthe envelopes and snap up the flap. This move is a natural oneand of no consequence to the audience.If you think it is important for the spectator to seal theenvelope (It is not) then you must tuck in the fal.se flap"y"into the envelope after you pull it up. You must buckle themouth of the envelope to do it. This false flap will then looknatural. Some security envelopes have double flaps.The envelope can then be securely sealed.Tucking in the false flap is a good move when doing, liT heThreshold of Miracle. If the spectator later tears open the en-velope, the extra piece of paper will offer no solution.IIAN AL MANN EX.CLUSlVE--THE TRIPLE TESTa To do a triple mindreading test, cut a windowon the address side of envelope A and make it a magnetic envelopebyembed~inga metal shim on the seam side inside.Three persons write a message on three cards which are sealedand burned. The stack of envelopes is then placed on the tablewith envelope A uppermost. This envelope is then picked up witha writing tablet or slate that has a magnet in it!While writing on the tablet or slate the three cards are readone at a time and answered!The envelope can also be picked up by the use of double-sticktape AND the cards can be also attached out of sight with bitsof double-stick tape that is placed on the tablet or slate beforethe show. With a tablet, the top sheet is cut in half and thecards and envelope are hidden under the half sheet while messagesare written on the visible page. With a slate, a half flap willhide the cards and envelopelliT he prison house we found shut in all safety,and the keepers standing before the doors;but when we opened we found no man within."-Writ-
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej