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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->~LMANNg'zd'~(201)431-2429POITOFFICE BOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY07728ITHEDUNNINGERMYSTIC SERIESEXCLUSIVEPUBUCATlONS1J{tJt:Le'Ll4SfllltitSe,4:.u,ces:I~LMANNg'zd'~Mns. E,ON WITH THE------..-_---------_._SEANC~l~1(201 ) 431-2429POST OFFICE BOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 077281!t,()A,e,k,et,S!,iltit:SeC"CeA-.of the Dunninger Mystic SeriesAn Al Mann Exclusive...~(In which many of the weird anduncanny mysteries of the spirit circle are revealed and simpli-fied, so you can do theml)Spectators are seated in a half circle, about ten feet fromthe cabinet. (NOTEa The cabinet is an enclosed area where themedium sits in deep trance. It may be enclosed with black curtainsor it may be a wooden box. In most cases, heavy curtains are used.)Ahymn is sung, the lights turned low, the medium sits herselfinside the cabinet, the front curtains are drawn... and onwith the seancelAluminous hand is seen to fly around the room.Adrum is beat-en, a bell rings and is thrown from the cabinet; faces appear anddisappear in various parts of the room, a luminous face, appearsat the cabinet opening, low moaning, a shrill scream - - lightsare turned on and the cabinet curtains opened. There sits the me-dium deep in a trancelOnce more the lights are turned out and almost immediately moremoans, a horn blows, small pebbles shower down on the sitters af-ter a small rainstorm of sand, screams emanate from the dark reces-ses of the cabinet, a pistol shot, a shrill scream - - lights goon, cabinet curtains are thrown open - - and the medium is stilldeep in the trance state --IAgain curtains are closed, lights extinguished, a ghastly faceappears and vanishes, a form materializes then slowly de-material-izes, the tambourine bangs, whistles toot, hands wave before thecabinet, silence - - deep moans and the medium's sharp, shrillcry for "Lightsl"Lights are clicked on, curtains thrown back, medium revives -and so to an end comes the seance....* * *HOW IT'S DONEa Dramatic effect is the main thing throughoutthe well staged seance. The better the actress-medium, the moreimpressive the seance.The cabinet is made of dark material, the sides of which arefitted with several large pockets. The front of the spirit en-closure opens in two parts with one of the parts or flaps, extend-ing about a foot or two overlapping the other. The whole frontcurtain can be operated either on small rings passed through apole or on strong dark cords which when pulled, by the announcer2MODERN SPIRIT SEANCESHOW IT'S DONEMNS. "E"DUNNINGER MYSTIC SERI.ISScont. ••(When lights are up) drapes upward on both sides. It is not ne-cessary that the abode of the spirits have a roof - - the rooflesscabinet enables the medium to throw things over, etc.The tambourine bell and drum stand on the floor of the cabinet,placed there before or during the seating of the spectators. Ifthe medium wishes, a small table with these articles, is placedbefore the cabinet.A shGrt announcement by the assistant, before the beginningof the manifestations, tells of the marvelous supernatural(?)powers of the medium, Mme. So-and-So is endowed with. She cannotguarantee results but if the spirits will aid her she will giveas convincing a demonstration as possible ..Sitters are asked to hold one another's hands. Then comes therequest, from the medium, to sing a hymn.The medium seats herself in a cabinet and slowly goes into atrance. The better the acting the more entertaining the bunkem.Soon the curtains are closed and Madame is left alone, in the darkinterior of the cabinet, to better commune with the spiritslLights are flicked off - - and almost immediately a luminoushand appears before the cabinet which starts on a trip across andaround the room. This is done by having a stuffed glove paintedwith several coats of luminous paint ( procurable from any magicstore or paint store) on the palm side, the back painted deadblack. This is attached to a medium's reaching rod (a sectionaland telescopic rod hidden in a pocket of the cabinet intil nece-ssary) - - hand floats around the room and by turning the rod,between the medium's fingers, the hand seems to appear and dis-appear..With the other hand the medium beats the drum, lets out squeals,mumbling, rings and tosses the bell from the cabinet. The glovedisappears (by turning it to show the back and pulling it into thecabinet quickly) and suddenly a face appears in some part of theroom, vanishes only to re-appear elsewhere. This is accomplishedby hooking a square of black cardboard securely to the hook on theend of the reaching rod - - on one side of the cardboard is paint-ed the outline of a ghastly face in luminous paint, the other sidedead black. The card is pushed out toward the circle of sittersto the left, the medium taking care that the black side is towardthe sitters until the moment arrives to have it seen, then thecard is swung around so the luminous side is outward toward them.To vanish it, swing it around to the other side.After allowing it to be seen several times, turn the blackenedside towards the sitters and pull it toward the cabinetJ get ridof the rod and allow the luminous side of the face to be seen mo-ving it up and down, backwards and forwards, with the hand beforethe cabinet.Suddenly the medium lets out several deep groans,the face vanishes (by turning the black side toward sitters, pullit into the cabinet continuing to groan the while, put the card-board away into a pocket). Don't work too fast.Medium seatsherself again assuming the trance state - - head thrown back, eyesclosedpand emits as blood curdling a yell as possible.JMODERN SPIRrT SEANCESHOW IT'S DONEMNS. "E"DUNNINGER MYSTIC SERIEScont. ••The waiting assistant recognizes the yell as a cue, snaps onthe lights, throws or pulls back the curtain - - and the sitterssee the medium in her trance (?)lAgain the lights are snapped off after the curtain is closed.More moans from the medium. A horn blows several times and a sho-wer of small pebbles (thrown over the cabinet and out above theheads of the sitters) followed by small fistfulls of fines~nd.Several short screams and suddenly - - a pistol shot followed byanother nerve-smashing scream. (Shot is faked by medium blowingup a small bag and bringing her fist down on it sharply.) Assis-tant lights up the room and pulls back the curtains. Medium isstill in her trance - - her breathing seems more laboured and herchest rises and falls more slowly than usual. (This is done bythe lady acting as the medium slowly inhaling deeply and emittingthe air slowly through her nostrils. This acting is most impres-sive and will leave the sitters gaspingl)NOTEI The firing of a pistol shot, screams, etc. is in answerto one of the sitters question about a relative that was killedwhile prospecting for gold, or what-have-you, or a soldier thatdied on the desert wars, etc."f!l4ttl",i,4(,i"tLc,it:J#I,A":Curtains are closed once more.Lights snapped off. Another face appears at the front of the ca-binet. (This is another piece of cardboard painted with luminouspaint). This seems to come towards the circle but sud4enly vani-shes.A luminous spot next appears at the foot of thecabinet, gradually materializing into a full grown form and ano-ther face appears on the shoulders of the astral (?) body! - -or what-have-you??????This is accomplished by the useof yards of thin cheese cloth (French Veiling) saturated withphosphorus paint.To create the illusion. of a materialization spirit form, thecheese cloth is zig-zagged rapidly from left to right liftingit slowly off the floor to a height of about five feet. Graduallythe medium spreads out the cloth placing it draped around her per-son, then suddenly turning another painted card luminous side to-wards the spectators. Again the zig-zag movements are repeated(downwards this time) (one hand holds the head, the other thecloth) waving it the entire time. Slowly the form seems to dema-terialize.Before the entire form goes - - which is droppeddown into a black bag from which it came - - the head or face va-nishes (by turning the black side toward the spectators and drop-ing it into the bag). The cloth is pressed into the bag and thedrwstring is pulled tight - the mysterious form has vanished 1While the form grows smaller and smaller, moans are heard co-ming from the cabinet. If the medium is a mimic, various voicescan be heard. From the gutteral tones of an old man to the sharpshrill voice of a youngster. But these voices should not be heardduring the materialization.4MODERN SPIRIT SEANCESMNS. "E"DUNNINGER MYSTIC SERIES"Pe'JtteJt?e.C.4f,,:Tambourines bang madly, whistles tootshrilly, moans are heard coming from the cabinet. - Medium hasa pair of luminous gloves in pocket of cabinet together with awhistle. whistle is placed in mouth and blown sharply time andagain and with the hands encased in the luminous gloves, mediumthrusts them through front curtains and waves them up and down,pulling in one hand, then the other into the cabinet and out again.Finally the moaning begins again while whistle and gloves arequickly thrust into cabinet pocket.Moans grow louder and louder, then gradually die away - -medium sharply cries, "Lightsl Lightsl"Lights are snapped on. Curtains are pulled aside and the me-dium, assuming an air of bewilderment, calls for a glass of wa-ter.THE SEANCE IS OVER.* * * *In this seance routine, the me-dium as well as the cabinet may be examined before and after theusual manifestations take place. The materialization cheesecloth,gloves, spirit faces and designs such as luminousstar~,crescentsand skull, painted on black cardboard, whistle and reaching rodare all hidden inside an innocent looking drum.The drum has a trap, on hinges, on one side. The large horn,bells and tambourine are placed in the cabinet by the medium'smanager, next to the drum. The manager takes care that no onehandles the drum.After the spirit gambol, the paraphernalia is again secretedinside the drum and the medium and the cabinet will stand theclosest examination.'1It9'.4te'"If'?A.i~t9 1?lil4"ce~ tJJi,~4 ~"e !:/J~:-tit,4.-In which the Spirit Worker takes his friends ona trip to Spirit LandI where manifestations of mediumsare witnessed while the gamboling ghosts work theirperpleXing mysteries .•...•..Here's What They Seel The entertainerwhoacts as the SpiritMedium after a short introductory talk on the wonders of spiritmanifestations, is tied with a length of rope and placed in acabinet or curtained off portion of the room (usually a corner).In this more or less mysterious cabinet are placed duringtests, a tin horn, tambourine, a bell, slate, a piece of chalk,a deck of cards, a short length of rope, a glass of water, a padof paper and a black crayon pencil, a half dozen needles and twospools of colored thread.All lights in the room are then
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej