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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->'L MANNgzd'~(201) 431-2429POST OFFICE lOX 144 • FREEHOLO. NEWJERSEY 07728.' '.•·1ft~t'c~..'1I/,e",t'..(~•'. '. ·1.·... ".~.'?Ilt«t'«MJ,l4t'pge(J,~ ~/.st/z.,M.'..;' . ·1fUpttltf!tfIfr"lCt,-tt'.4•1(201 ) 431-2429POST OFFICE BOX 144 •FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY0172110/'PA'IclJie?14r4(copyright by Al Mann Exclusives, 1983)St-{t.tt~< '1~4CA-1.TH~ JRONSCYT~~~:Add this effect to your program and you willhave a reaction from your audience worth more than the price ofthis book. This effect, besides being novel andmysterious, causes much talk and your audiencewill remember it for years.EFFECT, While Mentalist dons a steel bucketover his head, anybody shuffles and cuts theirown deck of cards and then places the deckon top of the steel bucket. Mentalist thenreaches up, cuts the deck, removes a cardand names it! while holding the card highover his bucketed head!The effect can be repeated many timeslFig.THE GIMMICK is a piece of mirror that is gluedto the top edge of a card case. This card casewhich may be empty is in the MENTalists breast coatpocket. The method of working is relatively easy. The Mentalisttakes the card and holds it next to the bucket on his left sideat about the place where his temple is. The card is reflected onthe mirror and to the eye as the Mentalist looks down into hiscoat pocket.The mirror measures about 1/2 inch wide by 2inches long. Fig. 2The mirror can be placed in any angle andmirror - - -it can be covered with a hanckerchief which isremoved to wipe the bucket before the presen-tation!NOTE. Instead of a round bucket you mayFig.use a square 2-gallon bucket.2. THE_FINGER TESTIBy the same above method. you canhave a person stand on your right side and hold his handon the left side of the bucket, holding up 2 or more fingersor none at all as you divine the number of fingerslJ.THE DICE. TESTIWith the bucket over your head have someonethrOW three dice on the bucket and to jot down the sum of thethree upper number of dots on the three dice.You then reach over the bucket carefully and pick up one ofthe dice holding it against the side of the bucket so that youcan see the bottom number. Subtract the number, say it is 2, from7,to get5. 5is your key number to remember.~henthrow the dief. p/nj/fm2101 PSYCHIC TESTSTHE DICE TESTcorrt , ••AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEaway, on the floor or table, or over your shoulder.Next reach over the bucket carefully and take another dieand show the bottom number to the person doing the adding andtell him to add that number to his total. Repeat the same withthe third die, throwing away the dice as you did with the firstone. You, of course already know the total. Just add5,your keynumber, to 14 to get 19, which should be the total.4.•EFFECTIAnyone chooses a playing~~- ~card his choice. While is told to tell no-_".:_-_,..,,Y/._'.J~.:/. ~~ ~::_one from a deck and the medium leaves~~.the room or turns his back, the cardis inserted into anyone of three (ormore) books on the table. The chosen pag@Fig.Jis then noted and the book is closed.When medium returns, he names the chosen card, the book it isin and the first sentance of the chosen pagelMErHOD. The card is chosen from a stacked deck like Si Stebbinsso that the medium already knows the card when he leaves the room.The three books, each have a tiny piece of paper on top (ora few grains of salt) so that when the book is opened, the tinypiece of paper or salt falls off. The books used should be somethat force a sentance or word, like the Sherlock Holmes books orUNIWORD or your favorite so that no matter where the card is in-serted, you will know the first sentance or word.••~ kIl:LM~DIPM'§.l::..I30QK._~~ST[jCGLASS __Q~WAT~.B'As seen in the circle, a glassis secretly encircled by the loopof a tread with a slip knot.The glass is then partially fill-ed with water from which themagician drinks. A wooden ruleris then stuck into the glass asit is held about a foot from thebody. The hand is then releasedand the glass is seen to be sus-pended in mid air. (Fig.4)This stunt is excellent for theseance room and subdued light.At the end, the ruler is passedall around the glass to show thatthere are no strings attached andat the same time, the ruler push-es off the string. (Fig.7)The glass is suspended by thepressure of the hand on the ruler.5.~_!:I~ .§.lI.eP~!~H?lmFig.7Fig.5)101 PSYCHIC TESTSAN AL MANN EXCLUSIVEe.THE SUSPENDED WAND, CANE OR BROOM. By Robert Gysel.Gysel's gimmick is shown in Fig. 8. He fooled manywith it. It is clipped between the fingers and thewand or cane is then forced into the metal gimmick.It can then be tossed from one hand to the other toshow both hands otherwise empty. Wand or cane isFig.8then suspended in many positions after which it isplaced under the arm and the hands shown empty againthen the wand or cane are removed by a downward pull leavingthe gimmick hooked to the coat by the tiny hook on its side.~7.THESUSPENDED PENeI~IThe pencil that suspendsby apparent magnetic poweris done by a tiny hook asshown in Fig.9.The tinyhook is made with a sharpknife. The pencil can be laidon the palm of the hand andFig.9hooked into the skin so thatwhen the hand is turned overthe pencil remains suspended. In likemanner it can be hooked to the clothingor to a drapery. To remove the hookthe pencil is rolled on the floor ortable. After that try to do the trickshown in the circle. If you can't, for-get it.In Fig. 10, downward pressureis applied with the middle fingertips andoutward pressure is applied with the firstand little fingers.4 : - ...........Fig. 108. THE ANIMATED PENCIL.Take a short piece of•a metal pin and bend it as"'ABshown in Fig. llA and sharpenFig. 11it on both ends. Then stick it tothe top of the pencil as in Fig.llB. Place this pencil into your cupped left palm and stick theend of the bent pin into the flesh of your palm at the base of thefingers. When you straighten out your fingers, the pencil willrise upwards to a standing position.LOOP OF ?TRINGHALFAS LONG AS THE PENCIL. The pencilwith the-loop ofstrIng are shown in Fig.12.The magician very easily passes the pencilthrough a person's coat button hole andpasses the pencil through the loop in theprocess. But when anyone else tries to do thetrick they fail, simply because of the tendency9.PASSJl'!.Q~.£LJ~~R!Q.I1. ~JJB9:UGH.pJ\Pa•• ing a Pencil througha Loop,MuchToo SmallforIt.IsEaav. OnceYou Learn How theTrickIsTurnedFig.4101P~YCHICTESTScorrt , ••AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVETHE PENCIL AND LOOP TRICKto pass the loop through the coat's button hole first, whichmakes the deed impossible to do. Here is the secret in pictures.\\BFig.14AWrong wayCorrect waydoneas part-of-'Ths"Sensative Fingertips' Act orduring a blindfold routine. The per-former can be blindfolded and stillhe threads a needle many times.The threading can be done openlywithout covering the hands, sincethe hands hide most of the action.®""PULL LOOPYet the results seem impossible.THR~To do, the thread is first threaded/through the eye of the needle. Then theneedle is pushed through a tiny loop at'~CUT THREADSthe end of the string. The loop is thenHERE';pulled over the eye of the needle and~" CUT LOOPSfree of the needle ass~ownin Fig.15.AWAY@CONTINUE TO PULL1and 2. The loop is then pulled throughTHREAD THROUGHUNTIL EYE OF NEEDLEthe eye of the needle which threads theIS WELL FILLEDneedle a second time. This move is thenrepeated as many times as desired.10.THREADING THE NEEDLE. Here is a fabulous effect that can be-,~11.ANOTHER MErHOD.Take several pieces of thread andFig.15bend the top end for about half an inchas shown in Fig.16.Pinch and roll hardthebef~tends between the tips of_tyour 1ngers. Then take a needle withVa larger-than-average eye and pushit down between your fingertips holding~==============-=~-the thread. The eye of the needleFig.16will go down and around the waddedthreads. This is a very amazingstunt that you can do totally blind-folded. You can feel the thread afterthe needle is threaded!
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej