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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->Tel. 304-947-7730Great Cacapon, WV 25422P.O. Box 155The AME MAJORARCANA SERIESXXIICOPYRIGHT BYAL MANN EXCLUSIVES1995This is the last manuscript of the AME Major Arcana series.The series contains 22 manuscrips that has taken close to tenyears to write. This is mns. number XXII.This last mns. introduces The OOS Writer.This is a newsecret weapon for the Miracle Worker.Plus a good one dozen waysfor getting one-ahead.These are the secrets of "the leadingMentalists including Houdini.THE A"E ESTATE ATRIVJ:R RIDeE, W.VA.Tel. 304-947·7730P.O. Box 155Great Cacapon, WV 25422COPYRIGHT BYAL MANN EXCLUSIVES1995The AME Major Arcana SeriesXXIITHE OOS WRITER!The very name of this secrettool infers mystery and arcane power.The OOS writer is worn betwen the fingeers so that it is OutOf Sight, OOS.The OOS WRITER is not meant to replace the swamior the boon writers.BUT it is a very special tool for somequick miracles.1The OOS writer is shown in Fig. 1.A is theside view and B the topview.It is one inch longby 3/l6th inch wide and is worn on the inside ofthe first finger of your writing hand, Fig. 2,andis attached to it by handi-tack glue or yourfavorite stickum as used with the Boon writer.Thelead of the writer should be located next to thethird joint of the first finger.The gimmick isnarrow enough to be covered by the first finger.The reader may ask,"Why not use aBoon writer in the same fashion? Thefact is that the average magician'sfirst finger is not big enough tohide a boon writer.Please note Fig. 3 , which is anexact foto-copy of the right hand asit holds an index card.TheOOSWRITER has just finished writing thethree-digit number as a predictionas called by the audience.The OOSWRITER is in place but OUT-OF-SIGHT.NO! it is not hidding behind thethumb.In fact the thumb can beraised to show the ball of thethumb devoid of gimmicks.Intheactual performancethethumb is raised so as not tohide the writing on the cardfrom the audience (Fig. 4). Thehand can be be waved all aroundso that allcanseethenumbers.THE OOS WRITER can not beseen from the front or from theThe wiseback of the hand.ones in the audience can stareat yourfinger-tips all theywant and see nothing.•A•BFig. 1---e:-*Fig. 2Fig. 4The OOS writer is not sold in magic shops so you will have tomake your own. As you will see the OOS writer is quite easy tomake.The tiny gimmick is shown in Fig. 1, as it lays on thetable.It shows a Listo crayon lead attached to it.It isrecommended that several types of OOSwriters should be made.Red and black Listo crayon leads and red and black solid pencilleads.2To make the gimmicks you will need:1. Some #3 trombone paper clips which are one inch long.2. Apoxsy glue or any good cement.3. Red and black pencil leads, both crayon and solid.4. Some index cards or white business cards.5. Flesh-color paint (optional).You probably have all of the above in your office.The clips: To make the gimmick a bit narrowerI snip off a piece of the trombone clipit asshown in Fig.5 B. Fig. 5A shows the whole cl ip.In fact you can snip off any part of the clip asneeded.The clip gives the gimmick body andstrength.Next I take a piece of lead and stick it intothe loop of the clip as shown in Fig. 6.I usesome lead from a Jet Black Ebony pencil.Fig. 6This lead is extra thick and fits well into the loop of theclip. Then the clip is cemented to the index card with the leadpointing upwards,and cement is placed over the entire clip andaround the lead. Allow this to dry and then place more glue onthe exposed clip and cover it with a piece of index card. Afteryou trim off the excess card and paint the gimmick flesh color,and place a bit of stickum glue on its back, the gimmick is ready.NOTE:If the reader is handy with tools he can cement asmall piece of brass tubing into the loop of the clip.Thatshould make it easier in inserting new leads. BUT Ihave foundout by experience that the epoxy glue holds the lead firmly inplace and it takes many shows to wear it out.I have had oneswami gimmick for over twenty years and the lead is hardly worn.PRACTICE. A bit of practice is necessary. Use your favoritestickum glue and place the gimmick on your first finger so thatthe lead is positioned where the third joint of your finger is.The idea of the OOS writer is that it can be hidden between thefingers where it is not seen at the right angle.Actually you canhide tha gimmick by moving the first finger a bit.If the back ofyour hand is exposed, the gimmick is out of sight if you move yourfirst finger towards you a tiny bit.If the palm of the hand isexposed, you move the first finger bak a bit. Try it.In actual practice the first finger is behind an index cardand its movements are hidden.The movement of the first finger as(2)A(--;;;;> )BFig. 5it writes is hidden by the card and theFig. 7.hand.This isshown inFig. 7So! What can be done with the OOS WRITER? Let me count theways.(1)The above effect using the gimmick as an openerpredicting three digits is good.(2) You can have a predictionindex card in a sealed letter envelope. Make a big to do of thefact that the envelope is sealed.Pass it around etc. Call forthree digits.Cut the top of the letter envelope over the flapwith scissors.Stick your first two fingers into the envelopeto take out the card.Now! Iask. What sane person is going to suspect your twoinnocent fingers of anything.When you have your two fingersready say,"This will surely shock you." and take out the card,write in the digits and show the card. OR if you wish you canwrite the three digits while your fingers are inside the envelope.(3)How about the old trick where five items are drawn onthe back of a tablet and each item has a square where you put acheck mark to indicate your prediction. You can place the markthere after the audience chooces the item.(4)THE MEDIUM ENTERS. A fine lady from high society comesfor a reading.She is sitted at a small table. The Medium isstill walking around in his pajamas and house shoes. Under thetable is a clip board with a sheet of paper.It looks like theclip board just fell off the table. The lady has a love problemwith a gent whose initials are JRP. After the Medium knows that,he takes his stinking foot out of his worn out and smelly houseshoe and writes the initials on the paper on the clip board with aboon writer or the OOS writer which he wears under his calloustoe."Strange that you should say that.Please pick up myclipboard and read what is written.I wrote those initials lastnight."The fine lady is impressed of course, small and all.Eric Mason of boon writer fame, mentions the toe writing inThat of course, is anhis book, "A Boon for All Seasons."improvement of the Medium's slatewriti~gwith their feet withchalk.4
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Dobry przykład - połowa kazania. Adalberg I ty, Brutusie, przeciwko mnie?! (Et tu, Brute, contra me?! ) Cezar (Caius Iulius Caesar, ok. 101 - 44 p. n. e) Do polowania na pchły i męża nie trzeba mieć karty myśliwskiej. Zygmunt Fijas W ciepłym klimacie najłatwiej wyrastają zimni dranie. Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) komentując swoją rolę w skonstruowaniu bomby atomowej